Monday, September 30, 2013

September 2013 Baptisms

Nanzi, September 27
Wuquan 1, September 27

Tainan 3, September 28
True Joy!

Tainan 4, September 27

Yuanlin, September 27

Shizhong, September 7

Zuoying, September 5

Fengshan, September 7

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013 Tainan Stake Member Missionary Fireside

Prior to the fireside that evening, while my husband was in a priesthood leadership meeting,
I looked around for a place to settle down and update the mission blog. 
I happened to find a small gathering in the kitchen. They invited me in for a bowl of pudding.
However, the catch was, you had to bear your testimony before partaking!
 The group was led by the YM president in the ward,
a returned missionary who had served in the Taichung mission.
The Testimony Pudding activity quickly grew too large for the kitchen!
 The YM president was ZL to the sister missionary on the right (his left), when she first came on island!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 2013 Mission Leadership Council

Instruction from the MP
 Lunch at the Mission Home

 Our Mission Leaders!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013 Zhanghua District Member Missionary Fireside

The missionaries all joined together to sing the mission song.
They were kind enough to let us join in!

Friday, September 20, 2013

September 2013 Zone Conference - Taichung Zone

 Introducing new missionaries
 Training by the APs and ZLs on Conversion

 Reflections from departing missionaries
 Taichung Zone
 Saying goodbye to our Family History Senior Couple

September 2013 Zone Conference - Gaoxiong West Zone

Training by the APs and ZLs on Conversion
Learning to teach Repentance by role playing

Thai curry by our MP 1st Counselor's wife (and family)!
Introducing new missionaries
Reflections from departing missionaries
Gaoxiong West Zone

September 2013 Zone Conference - Gaoxiong East Zone

Gaoxiong East Zone

 Wa Sai!!!

 Reflections from departing missionaries
 A vision of the Church in Taiwan: growing from 11 to 20 stakes!
 Gaoxiong East Zone

September 2013 Zone Conference - Zhongxing Zone

Introducing New Missionaries

Discussing Real Conversion


Departing missionary reflections
Training Through Role Play

Zhongxing Zone Conference