Well do I remember the testimony of this elder on the far left, his last night in the mission field, talking about how difficult it had been for his mother, who was not a member of the Church, to have her son leave her while he was away serving the Lord. I was deeply moved as he talked about how he faithfully wrote her letters every week, to encourage her and love her, despite her not being pleased with his absence. Throughout the two years, he never gave up and through his faith in her and in the Lord, he witnessed her heart soften with time.
We met his mother at the temple, where she came to pick up her son and welcome him home. That very day, a miracle happened. There on the temple grounds, he bore a strong testimony to his mother of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The Spirit pierced her soul, and she felt the truth of his testimony. At that very moment, she committed to be baptized!
After two months of continual progression in the gospel, the happy day came for her baptism!
Our missionary's most beloved convert: his mother!
We were honored to attend her baptism in the Xizhi Ward. New Taipei City. Not only one but two mothers were baptized that evening: another young sister's mother also entered the waters of baptism!
What a great example these young people are to their beloved parents!
What a great example these young people are to their beloved parents!
We were surprised to meet so many great members that had a connection to the Taichung Mission!
This young man on the left served as a short term missionary to one of our Taichung missionaries.
Now he is serving full-time in the Taipei Mission!
This young man on the left served as a short term missionary to one of our Taichung missionaries.
Now he is serving full-time in the Taipei Mission!
We were so happy to meet the mother of one our awesome Sister Training Leaders!
And so tickled to see young returned Taiwan missionaries, the elder from New Taipei who served in our Taichung Mission and the sister from Taichung who served in the Taipei Mission,
now married and expecting their first baby! What could be happier news?!
now married and expecting their first baby! What could be happier news?!
Wonderful to meet the older sister of one of our released Taichung missionaries:
And always happy to get return missionary visits to the mission home!