Saturday, July 12, 2014

7-12-14 Mission Birthday

It's great to have a birthday in the mission field! 
Birthday bike ride up Taiping Mountain:

Afterwards, we headed north and attended the Taipei Temple. While there, we were invited to attend the annual potluck dinner for all temple workers, held next door at the Taipei Service Center (on right), which also houses two chapels and the distribution center:
We had a great time! So met so many of our past missionaries...

as well as parents of our currently serving missionaries:

 One of our sister missionary's father really knows how to cook noodles for the family:
 Two of my favorite sisters at the Taipei Temple, the Temple Matron and Coordinator:
 Wonderful to share a table with the Taipei Mission president and wife!
My favorite: red bean soup!!! I think I downed three cups:)
 Members of the temple presidency and temple workers perform on traditional Chinese drums:
 A sneak preview of The Morphis Family performance:
All so wonderful, it almost made me forget the part about turning 55! Bahhh!

1 comment:

  1. I am Sister Megan Porter's mom and just wanted to say thank you for blogging about the mission. It is great to see and read what happens there. My daughter is looking forward to getting out in the field. Happy belated birthday!
