Our Taiwan missionaries are finally here! Eighteen beautiful elders and sisters for each mission!
Our Taiwan Taichung missionaries:
Bus ride home: sharing introductions and mission expectations.
President inspiring them with the expectation to BAPTIZE!
After a good night's rest, down to the track for a timed mile run. Stretching first, led by the APs:
Joined by our zone leaders and office elders:
Leading the pack:
This speedy sister kept up with the elders:
Keeping the pace:
Finishing up with Buddha claps:
Traditional Taiwanese breakfast afterwards with local fruit in the mission home:
Morning orientation: introducing the missionaries to our family,
followed by office operations and finance introductions.
Break for lunch back at the mission home:
Caesar, Thai, and Mexican wraps from BeMo's!
After the lunch break, one of our new sisters met a zone leader who used to be in her same ward in China!
His younger sister was her best friend:) Such a small world!
Afternoon training included Sis. Blickenstaff's Health and Safety as well as Taiwanese Culture and Contacting by the APs:
Practicing in Chinese:
After practicing, our new missionaries got to contact on the streets walking to dinner!
Wow, these missionaries are fearless duck brain takers!
And almost as as many taking on the fish eye challenge:
President sharing the inspiring story of missionary Dan Jones:
After one evening of contacting, our new missionaries overcame a lot of fears…
shared their successes:

Up and early the next morning for P90X:
Ab Ripper X V-up Roll-ups:
Great form sisters!
Oblique Roll-ups led by the APs:
Not bad, elders:
Bring it on, sisters!
Fifer scissors:
After a morning of Preach My Gospel instruction, they finally got to meet their trainers,
find out their first area, and have lunch together!
This elder training a new missionary found out one of the new sisters is his home ward bishop's daughter!
Our newest missionaries and their trainers: