Wednesday, July 15, 2015

7-15-15 New Arriving Missionaries

Our new missionaries have arrived safely!
APs leading our new missionaries in singing the mission song on the bus ride home:
 Breakfast at the mission home bright and early their first day in the mission:
Orientation by our office elders and staff:
 President shares the mission vision, goals and plans:
 Afternoon training by APs on Taiwan culture and contacting:
 Banquet dinner before the Dan Jones activity:
 Duck brain takers!
 Daring sisters:
 Eye ball challenge is no sweat!
Reviewing the night's activity:
 Fears of not knowing what to say, not understanding others, not being understood:
 And successes: 39 referrals and a raise of hands by those who placed up to five Book of Mormons!
After a good night's rest, up early for the mile-run. Fastest time clocked in at 4:56!
Our newest missionaries and their trainers!
Lunch next door after their assignments:
 Hawaiian pizza and mango curry pasta!

 Singing the mission song together:

 Awesome piano accompaniment!


  1. SOOOO happy to see these! Thank you :)

  2. Thank you so much for posting these! It helps put our minds to rest. =-)

  3. Thank you Thank you!! It makes him seem not so far away.

  4. Thank you Sis Blickenstaff. A picture speaks a thousand words. We love the blog and go there often!
    Michelle Nelson

  5. Sister Blickenstaff, I can't thank you enough for your blog and updates! My son is in the MTC right now and I love glancing through the pictures and seeing what he has ahead. Thank you for your leadership. We love you already!
